Wednesday 24 March 2010

Veg are on their way

We are very hopeful the frosts are out of the way now, so we're getting seriously stuck into planting - we've got two raised beds set up, one with a glass cloche, and lots of plants are being brought on indoors. We'll be sharing the veg with the pigs with any luck.


  1. You are further ahead than I am : ) So far all I have sprouting ..oh lets be honest even sown are radish,lettuce and broad beans. Potatoes are chitting. I am so far behind this year !

    Are the sheep in the photos yours ?

  2. Hi - no, not ours sadly, but a couple of fields down from us, I love baby lambs ! This is our first year of serious veg growing, so we are planting loads, in the hope some survive. So far the indoor planted seeds are doing great, but no luck with anything we've planted outdoors.
